Friday, September 4, 2009

I just can’t do it…

… Those were my thoughts at our last training session. My body is letting me down! I know I’ve not been training in TKD for long, so this will probably not be the only time I’ll have to pass this hurdle. However this is the first time for me and I know it’ll require a lot of work to get over it.

The situation is simple, I’ve started learning the basic side kick just as I got promoted to green belt (we start using kicks rather late in our school and the reasons why are more than apparent to me at the moment) at the beginning of July, and I’m really struggling with it. Not that I have bad coordination, or for the lack of trying, but my body is letting me down good and proper. I lack the strength (the main issue) and the flexibility (a minor problem just now, but this will become more of an issue for higher kicks) in my hips to execute the technique correctly. I know what I’m doing wrong, I know how I should do it correctly, but I physically can’t. I’m not even trying to kick high, hip height at most.
So far I’ve progressed really well in my training (disclaimer: this is my personal opinion and may not reflect the thoughts and views of my master or my fellow students. Hahaha) and, given enough practice, I managed to at least get the techniques I’ve learnt reasonably correct. But no matter how hard I try, the side kick eludes me. This to me is very frustrating, but I will not give in that easily!
So my plan for the next two months is to really focus on building up strength in my hips and working on my flexibility outside of our regular classes, with the ultimate goal of finally nailing that elusive side kick. I shall try and post regular updates on my progress, but I can’t promise anything at this stage :-P
Wish me luck…


  1. Hi Christian, I just randomly came across your blog while searching for any new tips on side kicks and read some of your posts, sounds like you're pretty committed and have a decent teacher.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd share a couple of things that have been a tremendous help to me in my TKD training (I've just reached red belt, and I'm a long way off being any good, but at least I'm better than I was when I started!)

    The first thing is CrossFit. I had no idea how much time I was wasting with my workouts until I came across this site. It can be a bit too much to take in at first but scout out the site ( particularly the FAQ which makes it much less confusing, and see what you think. I'm in miles better shape thanks to this place.

    Second, check out the book/DVD 'Stretching Scientifically' by a guy called Tom Kurz. He does a column at as well.As far as flexibility is concerned, this book is just invaluable. Seriously. You want the splits and high kicks, buy this book.

    Anyway, I hope either of those can be of some help in any way. Sorry for randomly butting in on your blog, I just think we TKD folk should share the knowledge, so to speak!

    Good luck with your training.
    (P.S. I just re-read this and it kind of sounds like I'm trying to sell a product or something! I'm really not, I'm just a nosy TKD geek...)

  2. congrats on your grading achievement christian!! :-)

  3. Hi Christian, I followed the link that you provided on IAOMAS forum to this blog. This posting is from the year 2009, are you still having problems with your side kick? If so, just remember that each technique in Martial Arts involves the whole body. Do not look only at your legs/hips, but think about your abdomen, torso, and back muscles as part of the solution. Strengthen the whole package, and you might find that the legs will have an easier time doing what you want them to do.
